++Justin Welby | photo credit: World Council of Churches

Missions with Archbishop Justin

Archbishop Justin periodically invites members of the college to serve with him on weekend missions to dioceses. Members interested in taking part in a particular mission are invited to contact Revd Canon Chris Russell, Adviser to Archbishop Justin on Evangelism and Witness, who selects the team for each mission. He can be reached at chris.russell@lambethpalace.org.uk

These missions are intended:

  • To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ so people become Christians
  • To encourage all of the churches in the diocese with the priority of evangelism.
  • To model episcopal ministry as leadership in mission.

There are currently four planned for 2023.

  • 9-11 June to Salisbury Diocese
  • 14-16 July (diocese to be announced)
  • 13-15 October (diocese to be announced)
  • 10-12 November to Exeter Diocese

Chris has kindly set out further details of the Salisbury and Exeter missions appear below, and this page will be updated when details of the remaining two missions are announced.

9-11 June 2023 – Salisbury Diocese

Corresponding to +Stephen’s first anniversary as diocesan bishop the team at the diocese have as a focus

  • The military
  • Rural
  • Children and young people
  • Market towns

The hope is that a team of members of the College will accompany the Archbishop – not as an entourage, but as those working across the diocese to support local parishes and deaneries in their outreach. This could look like particular events, training or work to enable the churches to grasp the opportunities to hand.

10- 12 November 2023 – Exeter diocese

The Bishop of Plymouth writes,

Our vision:
A weekend focussed around the theme of Lost and Found. Rather than imposing events and work from the top down, we would like churches to prayerfully consider what they might like to do and then to offer them one of the College of Evangelists or a member of the senior staff as a resource for their event. The main stipulations would be that it has to be outward facing and have a plan for how it’s going to be followed up. We will then link up the best-suited evangelist/BSM member to each event.

++Jutsin Welby | photo credit: Jacqui J Sze

There will be some big events with the Archbishop, provisional draft plans include:

  1. Schools and Young People
  2. Rural
  3. Environment
  4. Remembrance weekend

They have stated the evangelists they are looking for are those who

  • Will encourage the local church in evangelism
  • Are sensitive to the anxiety and discomfort around the concept of evangelism, both in individuals and the culture of rural churches
  • Are able to embrace the breadth of local churchmanship
  • Are able to enrich and equip the mission activity, rather than super evangelists doing the evangelism instead of the local community or putting them off
  • Will encourage ongoing investment in follow-up and discipleship after the event
  • Can gently encourage the church members with their ongoing mission and evangelism, without overwhelming them
  • Ideally understand, ands definitely are sensitive to, rural ministry and mission & ministry in village churches (small communities).
  • Will encourage events to be a springboard or catalyst rather than hit and run.

As soon as the other two diocese are ready to go public we will let you know.

Our aim in writing isn’t just to give you lots of information! But we are sharing this now to ask you to:

  • Pray for these mission weekends. For God’s enabling in the preparation.
  • Pray about your involvement and participation. We are keen to take a team with us.
  • Let me know by the end of the year if you would like to be considered to be part of the team with a brief note of the kind of things you would like to contribute and be involved in. Please do that by emailing Russell@LambethPalace.org.uk by 31 December.

Following expressions of interest, we will be in touch with all those who have indicated a desire to be involved and then begin to gather and form the team and begin working with the particular diocese.

We have learned much to date having three such missions under our belt, and so are keen to keep learning and working together, for the sake of lives touched by the love of Christ.

Grace and peace,


Revd Canon Chris Russell,
Adviser to the Archbishop of Canterbury on Evangelism and Witness